Heating energy costs getting a bit high? Could be your furnace that needs replacement!

September 24, 2018 | Posted in Home Efficiency

Are your monthly power bills are creeping up you…?

Your furnace could be an issue worth checking out if it isn’t working at optimal efficiency. Inefficient older home heating systems can cause your energy bills to soar higher than normal during the winter. If you have an older style furnace… consider upgrading to a high-efficiency furnace, this could save you up to 40% on your heating bill all while you and your family enjoy a comfortable home heating experience. It’s important to consider what energy-efficiency level is right for your home and budget. For Calgary homeowners seeking a moderate-premium level of energy efficiency, you’ll want to look at furnace models that are ENERGY STAR certified by the government. ENERGY STAR home heating systems use less energy to operate, without compromising on the quality of their performance.

We Highly recommend our Coleman® 96% high efficiency model with dual stage variable speed WhisperDrive™ Comfort System that meets our own high standard for performance and for customer expectations when it comes to price, energy efficiency and  outstanding warranty coverage.  We can’t say enough good things about the Coleman® furnaces we install!

Contact us today to book a free stop by visit for a quote!